Mineral Wells ISD is committed to providing a world-class education to all students. Gifted and talented students benefit from designated gifted and talented courses with an emphasis on depth and complexity, project-based learning, and opportunities to make connections locally and globally.
Identified gifted and talented students demonstrate abilities in original and creative thinking, exceptionally high achievement, and are self-directed learners. Gifted and talented students often pursue an area of interest or passion through Independent Studies and the Texas Performance Standards Projects.
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Texas Education Code, Subchapter D. Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students (1995).
. . . “gifted and talented students” means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who:
The Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students indicates five categories of giftedness: general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude, creativity, leadership, and visual/performing arts.
Currently Mineral Wells ISD serves students who are identified as advanced intellectually and academically. Their giftedness may surface as an outstanding aptitude in one or more of the areas of language arts, math, science and social studies or in their ability to process information more rapidly with greater depth and complexity.
General Intellectual Ability
Specific Academic Aptitude
GT parents from all regions of Texas are invited to join us for free, to subscribe to our e-mail news (Sign Up for Email News), to explore our website, and to follow us on social media (please visit our site for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram links: Gifted Education Family Network Website).