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Student Health Advisory Committee

Student Health Advisory Committee LogoThe School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is an advisory group comprised of individuals who represent segments of the community. The group acts collectively to provide advice to the MWISD on aspects of the school district's health and wellness program.

Research shows that healthy children do better in school - from attendance and behavior to academics and overall performance. SHAC is an exciting partnership exists between Mineral Wells ISD and members of the community. This council, made up of parents, community members, students, school health personnel and teaching staff who, as a council, provide advice to the district in ensuring that community values and local health issues are reflected in the district's health education policies and instruction. Parents and community members are always welcomed and encouraged to join the council.

For more information on the council, please contact Health Services Coordinator and Lead Nurse:

Ginger Donohoe, RN-BSN
MWISD Lead Nurse
Travis Elementary